Jan 2, 2008


Remember, last February, when I wrote, "I never want to blog about my shower again."...? Well, there are some things in life we'd all rather not do. But, the fact remains, that I flipped on the water this morning and a chunk of ice fell out, followed by a trickle of water. Oh, surely it's just a tiny bit of ice. I'll just run the water for a bit and clear it right out, I thought.

"Wrong again, liberal media." -Homer Simpson


Joe said...

How does this happen in the 21st century, in Chicago? Does the plumbing in your building run along the outside of the walls or what? That is just bizarre. And discouraging as hell I imagine. Do you need to keep a small blowtorch under your bathroom sink now for such occasions?

Anonymous said...

Oh no. :( Hope this gets resolved quickly and without further incident...sending warm positive shower vibes your way...

Anonymous said...

If my house wasn't a den of germs, I'd send you there to get cleaned up. Just remember the best lesson from last year--no bleaching the hair until this is really, truly resolved.

Katie Schwartz said...

Still no hot water? Hot damn, cookie. Ya know if we was naybah's, yas could shower at mine any time.

Anonymous said...

I hear that it should warm up by the weekend. I certainly hope so. Surely there is a way to insulate some more, maybe? Perhaps Handyman Dad could figure out something. I just checked the weather for you. Yikes! the temp should drop to 4 tonight. We are not escaping it way down south. Our oranges are freezing as we speak.
Keep warm!!