Nov 9, 2007


Guys, remember when I was talking about Sixwire? They're on the Next American Band and the lead singer, Andy Childs, is a long-time family friend. They did a really pretty cover tonight on the show, and they're super-hard-working and super-humble, super-nice guys who never take themselves too seriously and really work so very hard to make it work so I urge you to consider voting for them after the show tonight. And by "urge" I mean, of course, "demand". C'mon, most of you know how upstream it can be to do a creative thing for a living. I sure know, and I know a lot of you know, too. So, let's show some good people the good support they deserve.

Mmmmkay? Thanks.

Need the number? 1-866-U-LOVE-05 or 1-866-856-8305. You have only two hours to vote from riiiiight NOW.

Uh, that is a toll-free number, so it's not going to kill you or your phone bill. Ahem. Aaaad, VOTE!


TBWCYL, Inc. said...

We think Andy is kind of dreamy in our house.

Leah in Chicago said...

Done. (well, done like 20 hours ago.)