It's rainy and chilly here in Chicago, and that makes me want to hide out in a bookstore and gather my supplies for the fall and winter. We've interviewed a lot of authors here on Bigmouth over the last couple of years, so I thought it might be nice to look back and make sure we're all caught up on our Bigmouth interview reads, no?
- Just yesterday, Danielle Younge-Ullman came by and we talked about Falling Under
- David Gianatasio visited twice and talked about Swift Kicks (oy, the line about the Moabites still makes me snicker) and his newest title, Mind Games
- Peter Davis came by and we chatted about Hitler's Mustache
- Scott Korb and Peter Bebergal came by and talked about The Faith Between Us
: A Jew and A Catholic Search For the Meaning of God
- Margaret Sartor visited and we talked about Miss American Pie
- Laurel Snyder has visited a time or two and we've talked about Up and Down the Scratchy Mountains
, Inside The Slidy Diner
and The Myth of the Simple Machines
- Steven Lee Beeber told us about his The Heebie-Jeebies at CBGB's
: A Secret History of Jewish Punk
- Rachel Cline visited and we discussed My Liar
and What To Keep
- Roy Kesey came all the way from China and we chatted about All Over
- Reb Livingston came by, who is a guest at the Fixx Reading Series this month, and we talked about... well, she's written a lot of stuff. You'd better just click through.
- Jennifer Paddock visited and we discussed Point Clear
(which is very appropriate reading right now, it being hurricane season and all) and A Secret Word
- Eric Spitznagel visited and talked with us about Fast Forward
: Confessions of a Porn Screenwriter and a German-version of one of his earlier titles that has a rather hilarious translation
- Ben Tanzer came by and we discussed Lucky Man
, but he's since put out another fine book, Most Likely You'll Go Your Way And I'll Go Mine
- Janice Erlbaum visited and we discussed Have You Found Her
and Girlbomb
1 comment:
If it ever does stop raining or if boredom strikes first, I will take your list to the book store. Hope your cats are staying dry!!
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