Apr 16, 2008


Oh! I was just invited to read in Pittsburgh at The New Yinzer lit mag's new reading series. November. Pittsburgh. Got it? Good.

Hey, all these good books are coming out lately-- Adam Deutsch's North Park Gallery Series is out and all yours over at Big Game Books. For example.

This headline was just in my inbox: "For the first time in 178 days -- since October -- Chicago's official temperature has topped 70 degrees."

Sometimes, I have to stop and ask myself why on earth I live in this chilly city. It's a great city, but it would be greater if we all shifted it someplace even slightly warmer. I'd be cool with that. I shouldn't even joke-- I just moved and I'm not gung-ho to move again for a while.

The weather today is gorgeous. I just tackled the biggest rocks first today, so now I can tick off the dozen smaller stones, then the tiny pebbles.

1 comment:

Katie Schwartz said...

Congratulations on the reading, bubbie. That is tits to the tenth.

I just ran to Big Game Books and snagged a copy of Deutschy's new book- Can't wait to read it.

Have a beautiful day.