Jan 20, 2008


My shower is still frozen. The faucet is frozen solid and the drain now has a dome of ice over it, making draining impossible as well. The bathroom sink is reduced to only a tiny trickle of ice water. So, my bathroom is useless except for the toilet, is what I'm telling you.

And so, a frozen shower and bathroom sink made for creative use of the kitchen step-stool, Tupperware and kitchen sink today. Standing naked on your kitchen counter and using Tupperware to dump water over yourself is still a whole helluva lot better than leaving the house to beg a shower in sub-zero weather. The neighbors who my kitchen window faces might say otherwise. Whatver.


The good news is that I have a date with baby Neptune tomorrow, and I hit his folks up for arriving early in exchange for shower use. Oy vey. The things a lady has gotta do to get a shower these days.


wafelenbak said...

Luv, I think you should consider moving when your lease is up!
Stay warm and clean...

Amy Guth said...

As I used to say in high school: "No fuckin' doy."


Yeah, that is my plan for sure.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

You have lovely feet.

David Byck said...


i really hate to say this but the same thing happened to you last year. you must really like your flat.

on another note, i'm heading back into the usa in may. i'll be in austin tx taking another writing course and then off to new york for a little r&r. let me know if you plan on being in either place.

take care and peace,
