Aug 22, 2007


Isn't it funny how animals just know when there's a douchebag around? Anyone who has ever come to my house knows my kitten is very sweet and has no shame about rubbing against the feet of people he likes. One or two of you, he loves so much that he'll plop his furry little arse down upon and snuggle like it's going out of style. In fact, I've only seen him really dislike one person, but even then he was just sort of indifferent.

But, there is this guy who sometimes does maintenance on my apartment building. He was around last summer to spiff up a few things around the building, around for that unforch frozen pipe situation last winter, and, right now, he's doing some work in the hallway outside my front door. I have to admit, I yak-yak and make friends all over the place, but something about this guy rubs me the wrong way. He's nice enough, but something is just off about him.

Anyway, my poor kitten has his ears back and his tail puffed up and is sitting in front of me, staring across the room at the door. Every time the dude makes a sound on the other side of the door, kitten meows, looks at the door, looks at me, looks at the door, looks at me, the gets in pounce-mode and slinks a little closer to the door, then scurries back and hides behind my chair. He haaaates this guy, even on the other side of the door. My cat knows bad vibes when he feels them.

You might fool me (though you probably won't for more than a few minutes) but, ohhh, you can't fool my kitten.


Jen said...

Ah if only we could all be like cats!

Anonymous said...

"...but something is just off about him...."

My brother isn't that bad!

Katie Schwartz said...

Like the darling sweet CM, Juice had finely tuned intuition, too. Animals know if someone is wrong or off.

Sizzle said...

i wish i had that kind of radar. would really help me in my dating life.

Joe said...

Ever read "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin DeBecker? Excellent book about learning to trust your intuition when it comes to recognizing threats. Anyway, I think there's a part in there where he talks about animals "sensing" when a person isn't right, and he says it's actually the animal reacting to your unconscious stress. Our sense of courtesy and good manners cause us to repress our fear/distrust of the other person, but our companion animal senses our discomfort. We're aware of our animal's reaction before we aware of our own.

Anonymous said...

We once had a dog, Mac, that saved my/our butts more that once. I am sure you remember the day those strange men came to our back door? I do recall a rather large knife being behind your back. And then Mac came running around the corner and ran the bad guys away! (I think I gave him a steak that night.)

No doubt those guys were up to no good and Mac really did save the day.

My office dog, Marley, loves everyone, expect this one guy that comes in. Needless to say, I never turn my back to him and neither does anyone else.

I have no doubt that animals sense bad people. Whether it's their aura, smell or something else. I always trust their behaviors around others.

Amy Guth said...

A knife?? I had a knife behind my back? Why do I not have any recollection of having a knife behind my back and weird men at the back door? Where did I even get a knife? Hmm, wll, in that house, the back door would have been by the kitchen, so I guess so... but wouldn't that make me like ten years old??

Anonymous said...

The guys came to the kitchen door and since it was really hard to get to that door, we ( your brother, you and me) all got a little scared. You got a big French knife and put it behind your back while I stood at the door talking to these guys. Enter dog and all is well.

Anonymous said...

I think Ma Guth needs a special section on the blog just to share great stories from Amy's youth. I want the dirt on this one--sounds juicy! :-p