May 30, 2007


I didn't mean to worry everyone. Sorry about that.

A friend of mine took his own life yesterday and I am stunned.

So, the hard part, I suppose, is over. I only wish there was a moment to say goodbye, and there was not.


Johnny Yen said...

Oh my-- I'm terribly sorry for that.

I've never had a friend do that, but a co-worker did years ago. I remember I kept replaying conversations he and I had had, where I could have had a clue, said something that might have made him change his mind.

A co-worker of my wife's took his own life yesterday, too. Young-- only 24. He left behind a wife and a baby. She's a little stunned.

srr said...

I'm so sorry for you Amy. That's truly horrible.

Congrats on the reading series and all - and the new bloglook! I haven't checked in here, just getting back to "life after moving."

Anonymous said...

I am so very sorry to hear of your friends death. People who decide to take their own lives, I think, just make up their minds that it's just time to leave. For those of us left behind to mourn, however, it's all about the "What if's and if only's".

Think about the funniest moment you had with him and laugh and cry at the same time. Tuck his memory in the corner of your heart and he will be with you forever.

Cup said...

I'm so sorry for you. It's so hard to get over something like that, to understand, isn't it?