Jan 14, 2007


I am in a tidy up and decompress mood today. I went to a really great social action brainstorming session last night that was both informative and just the shot in the arm I needed. It was nice to hear really grounded people talking about no social goal being too lofty and being willing to show people everything they know about organizing and mobilizing and brianstorming and cooperation and project management.

It was wonderful! So wonderful. I have been thinking a lot about that sort of thing lately, so I really soaked up the information and felt heartened to see so many people working so well and doing such good work.

It's snowy, I have Simpsons dvds in deck, a pot of veg matzah ball soup on the stove, a new issue of Kiplinger's magazine (nerd) to read, some magenty hair to touch-up, a sleepy cat that is forcing his way into my lap who, apparently, needs petting and a friend who talked me into making a business website for him (nerd). So, my afternoon is booked solid.

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