Sep 2, 2006


Hello from another busy and fun day of the Decatur Book Festival. I sat on a panel at the last minute this morning (about writing online fiction) with my publisher, James Stegall, and also Jamie Allen and John Warner. Also, my scheduled panel this afternoon with Laurel Snyder and Tayari Jones was great fun.

Everyone is refreshingly open to meeting new people and everyone I have met so far has been really fantastic. The downtown Decatur area is covered with tents and bands and people and books. And that sort of thing makes me happy to see. I just got back to the hotel after hearing a talk C. Michael Curtis gave about magazine fiction publishing, and I'm about to dash back out to a reception. Busy, busy.


srr said...

Hi Amy,

I thought the panel on blogging was terrific. You, Tayari and Lauren did a great job!

Tayari Jones said...

Hi Amy, I just wanted to say hello and let you know how nice it was to meet you at the book conference. I have bookmarked guthagogo. I hope we will see each other again soon!