Aug 5, 2006


My novel, Three Fallen Women, can now be ordered directly from the publisher by clicking here. Please ignore the typo in my last name on the order form. It is being corrected as we speak. The important part is that the book is available for order. So, if you'd like to send a clear message that my book is indeed a worthy book, and a book that should continue to be printed, well, then by all means. I'll wait right here while you order a copy.

Soon, (in a few weeks) though, it'll be available from and Powells and all of those fantastic places, but for now, you can be one of the first to get your hands on a copy directly from the publisher. Of course, you could also show up at one of my readings and buy a copy from me and I'll write something polite and witty inside for you.

Okay, enough business. Time for something fun. In all the hustle and bustle of the past week, I foolishly and horrifyingly overlooked the birthday of a dear friend who works tirelessly to comfort and heal people in emotional need and is an admirable, straightforward, thoughtful, kind, beautiful, fair, hard-working, no-bullshit, brilliant, ambitious, loving, silly, fun-spirited, wonderful, graceful, lovely woman who lifts the spirits of everyone who has the great fortune of knowing her.

So, everyone, cheers to Helena on her just-a-few-days-ago birthday (and a kick in the butt to me for overlooking it).

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