Working on a list of books for Tribune readers to enjoy and read to have a really great year ahead and stick to their resolutions, I spent some time this afternoon digging through "how to" books. In doing so, I found the following titles I thought I would share:
"How to Shit in the Woods, Second Edition: An Environmentally Sound Approach to a Lost Art"
by Kathleen Meyer
"How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack: Defend Yourself When the Lawn Warriors Strike (And They Will)"
by Chuck Sambuchino
"How to Build an Igloo: And Other Snow Shelters"
by Norbert E. Yankielun
"How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It"
by Steven Stosny
"Zompoc: How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse"
by Nick S. Thomas
"How to Kick Someone's Ass: 365 Ways to Take the Bastards Down"
by E. R. Silverman
"How to Live with a Huge Penis: Advice, Meditations, and Wisdom for Men Who Have Too Much"
by Richard Jacob and Owen Thomas
"Knitting With Dog Hair: Better A Sweater From A Dog You Know and Love Than From A Sheep You'll Never Meet"
by Kendall Crolius and Anne Montgomery
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