Mar 24, 2008


Yesterday I said, "I like nice things. They're welcome anytime." And, look at that. Another nice thing showed up today:

Meredith Jacobs from Modern Jewish Mom posted a piece I wrote about using event leftovers for good in the Lifestyle Advice section. How nice! I'm so happy to see my name on her site, as it's one I like. Also, her book, The Modern Jewish Mom's Guide To Shabbat is filled with great ideas, and not just ideas for the mamas. Her solid advice and fun ideas are for anyone, and I've give her book as a gift on more than one occasion.

I'm, perhaps foolishly, anticipating attempt #3 from a Craigslister to get herself to my door to get a whopper good deal on a cruddy old air conditioner. Half of me, hope springing eternal and all, is in the "third time's a charm" camp, while the other half of me is suspicious of having just walked into a very predictable and equally futile situation. We shall see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My friend, with the exception of Three Fallen Women, I think this is going to be my new favorite book. Love the Mama!