Oct 5, 2006


Ah, I nearly forgot! Last night, I went to a mitzvah discussion group and it was wonderfully great. It's nice to just sit and talk and kick things around. I'm always up for that.

The more I think of it, the more my dreams of the past couple of days are bothering me. All so foreboding. My friends and I kicked around a few ideas this morning, but very little of it "felt" right. I don't know, but I've managed to have zero focus on everything I attempt today, so I'm sticking to simpler tasks. Buh blah beh. I drive myself crazy when I'm like this, too. So fragile and hyper-sensitive. Not sad at all, not brooding, just a little unfocused. Buh blah beh. That's all. I'm sure a good night's sleep, a good dreamless night's sleep that is, would do me a world of good. I think on the heels of the High Holidays, stressing a bit about getting the kinks works out on the Amazon.com page

On a happier note, my friend has made her entire blog pink for the month of October, as it is breast cancer awareness month. What a great idea! And, it reminds me to head to The Breast Cancer Site and spend a whopping 30 seconds to give a woman in need a free mamogram gratis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check it out--even with your name mispelled, there are only two left!