Apr 4, 2008


Well, folks, if you did not make it to the Fixx Reading Series last night, you missed out like you wouldn't believe. Go stand in front of a mirror right now, whack your forehead with the heel of your palm and say "Rats!" Shana Compton, Danielle Pafunda and Jennifer L. Knox killed! The crowd was lively and laughey, the reading was wonderful, and a great time was had by all.

So here's what you must do. Head over to the fabulous Bloof Books events page, and see when the ladies are landing in a joint near you. And for crying out loud, when they do, go see them, buy their books and show them some love. They're three of the funnereakiest ladies around. I love them.

For now, I gotta hustle. Much to do today. Big change is in the air. Huge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was SO awesome to be at a reading where I felt the urge to laugh vs. rolling my eyes and squirming uncomfortably.
And this from someone who used to be on the reading end of poetry readings!